Monday, 4 February 2019

Reading Tastes

This NYE I decided not to bother with new year's resolutions. They're always the same, year after year... write more, exercise more, read more, etc. etc. Yes, I want to write more but I'm not going to set myself unrealistic goals. Yes, I want to exercise more but I'm not going to say I'll exercise every day because that's not realistic. And yes, I want to read more which brings me to the crux of this blog.

For decades I have been an avid reader of crime and detective fiction, espionage thrillers, mysteries and science fiction. Then, a few years ago, I changed from writing short stories, novels and non-fiction articles to almost exclusively writing non-fiction.

Beside the bed is a small table which contains a collection of unread books. Having finished yet another non-fiction book I selected a crime novel by Jonathan Kellerman, an author I have read many times. Well, I read the first two chapters and put it away. Then I picked up a crime novel by Jo Nesbo, famous for The Snowman amongst other great books. I read the first two chapters and put it away too.

Finally I picked up The Travelling Vet: from pets to pandas, my life in animals, by Jonathan Cranston and I am desperately trying not to finish it because I love it so much I want it to last forever!

Perhaps I can compare my book reading with my wine drinking. When I was younger I drank only white wine. Now I drink mostly red wine. Could it be the same with books?

Of course I do have a glass of white wine every now and then - and maybe I'll read a crime thriller every now and then too. But for now, I am sticking with the non-fiction variety... and a shiraz or syrah as a great accompaniment.

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