Saturday, 29 December 2018

Holiday Reading

I can't believe we've been home a week now and that Christmas has already come and gone. Now we are looking forward to New Year's Eve celebrations at our place and I am contemplating plans for 2019. In the meantime I'm back to reading.

Whilst at Rotorua we visited a Friends of the Library book sale and I picked up a copy of The Zoo on the Road to Nablus, the story of Palestine's last remaining zoo and its dedicated vet, Dr Sami Khader who dreams of transforming the zoo into an international enterprise. Wonderful true story by British journalist Amelia Thomas. Its funny, its sad and always entertaining. Reading status: finished.

Photo Ark, by National Geographic nature photographer Joel Sartore, is a tribute to the animal world and especially those species which are endangered. The foreword by Indiana Jones' Harrison Ford, who is Vice Chair, Board of Directors, Conservation International, is thought provoking and the full page photographs are truly inspirational. Reading status: nearly halfway through, but one of those books I will look through time and again.

And then there's our very own Poles Apart by editors Anita Hansen and Brita Hansen, a production of The Royal Society of Tasmania. The editors have researched a large collection of volumes held by the Society about the Arctic and Antarctic including the search for Sir John Franklin's doomed expedition to the Northwest Passage. Reading status: just started.

What's next?


  1. Like the look of the Photo Ark! :-)

    1. Its just wonderful - beautiful close-up photographs of all types of animals and birds. I watched Joel's program on National Geographic so I saw him actually photographing them and couldn't wait to get the book!


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