Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Water for Elephants - what a read!

I have just finished Sara Gruen's Water for Elephants - and before anyone asks, no, I haven't seen the movie. Actually, my book club cautioned me about it because they said it is so different to the book. Maybe I will, maybe I won't...

Being the animal lover I am, I was initially concerned about perceived cruelty within a circus environment, but of course there are those within that industry who genuinely love animals and continually fight for their rights.

Gruen is a wonderful author who undertakes extensive research, and the reader can tell. She told the story, which is set in the depression years, with feeling and understanding, and I loved it. There was intrigue, love, anger, desperation, humour and above all, quirky characters and fabulous animals. I also learned a great deal about what it is to be part of a travelling circus. Now I can't wait to read her book Ape House.

A wonderful read which I finished in about three sittings. And I am pleased to say that the pile on my bedside table is slowly decreasing - for now, anyway.

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