Thursday, 3 September 2020

Cool in Cradle Mountain

We recently spent three nights at Cradle Mountain to celebrate a birthday. For days we had watched the weather forecast, hoping upon hope that we would see snow. And we weren't disappointed, waking on the said birthday to a sea of white outside our hotel room, and a pademelon under our veranda.

That day we decided to take a drive south and came out to the car to discover it covered in thick snow, and we had to scrape it off the doors just to get in. All of which added to the occasion. We finally left the carpark and drove first to Tullah and then on to Rosebery. Back at Cradle Mountain we went into the new Cradle Mountain National Park Visitor Centre which is an architectural marvel and a great improvement on the former visitor centre.

The snow had melted for the most part by the next morning so we drove down to the Peppers Resort and saw a pademelon, two wallabies and five wombats along the way. The weather wasn't the best - there was a light rain - but undeterred we embarked upon the Enchanted Walk, a short twenty minute boardwalk along the river, through a thick canopy of trees, bright green moss covered ground and stunning waterfalls. And we saw two more wombats.

On our way back we saw another four wombats including one that crossed the road whilst I snapped close-up photos. And why did the wombat cross the road? 

What a treat, and what a wonderful few days!

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