Monday, 30 October 2017

Vibrant Venice

This was our third trip to Venice, a city we obviously love. And its all about soaking up the atmosphere, people watching, pigeons, churches and lots and lots of canals and narrow cobblestone laneways lined with fascinating shops, cafés and street stalls. All of this makes walking through Venice an absolute joy and here are some of the highlights of our stay:

Typical Venice canal scene

On the island of Murano, famous for its glass blowing. We caught a public Vaporetto (waterbus) about 25 minutes from the centre of Venice, and spent a couple of hours wandering through shops packed full of the most beautiful glass in different shapes, sizes and colours.

Canal scene on Murano

Venice at night and we dined in one of the trattorias on the canal front. Pastas, pizzas and salads are the most popular foods in Venice, along with the odd glass of wine and beer,
and the waiters are always ready with a quip or two.
Penny has been attempting to use her Italian where possible but most of the locals, it seems, are fairly fluent in English so her Italian has been limited to reading menus and street signs, and ordering food.

The vibrant colours of houses and shops on the island of Burano which is famous for its lace-making. Again we caught the Vaporetto but this time it took us a couple of hours as we had to change waterbuses halfway and navigate through thousands of other tourists...  but it was worth the wait.

Peak hour on the Venice canals

Libreria Aqua Alta in Venice, an amazing bookshop where customers can barely move for books!

The famous Rialto Bridge, from our lunch table at a local trattoria. The Rialto is always crowded and this day was no exception. We managed to find the last table in the same trattoria we had lunched in four years ago. Back then Venice was hit by the most unbelievable afternoon storm which caused rivers of water to run beneath our table, but this time it was blue skies all round.
Penny on the Rialto Bridge
St Mark's Basilica at Piazza San Marco. This ever popular plaza was filled to the brim with tourists from all around the world. But it was the pigeons that caused the most havoc
as we ducked and weaved to avoid them.
Jim at the gothic Ducal Palace (Piazza San Marco)

View of the Grand Canal from Piazza San Marco, with gondoliers lined up and ready to go.

After a long day's walk, Penny enjoyed a refreshing glass of Venetian Spritz,
 a combination of prosecco, Campari and soda water. Then it was a 3km walk back... 
And it was goodbye to Venice as we caught a train to Florence in beautiful Tuscany!


  1. Wonderful photos Penny. Brought back so many memories.

  2. Even though I am from England I never went to Venice, however now I live in Tasmania it is on my bucket list (crazy I as it will cost more now for us to get there), anyway I would like to know if the canals smell, I was always told they did. I know the canals in the UK don't.

    1. Not generally but every now and then you might get a quick whiff- nothing to worry about.

  3. It seems like Pigeon Pie could have been the order of the day!

  4. Hi Penny, Beautiful photos and I enjoyed seeing them. Looks like the weather is nice. Are the books in the book store written in English or Italian?


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